Certified Sleep Consultant with over 15 years of experience working with newborns, infants and toddlers

My name is Katie Louderback and for over 15 years I have worked as a postpartum doula supporting hundreds of families overnight and during the day. Part of my work was helping babies fall asleep and stay asleep longer. I’ve experienced such a range of newborn and infant sleep temperaments, challenges, and parenting styles. I’ve also seen first hand how simple changes can often lead to huge sleep improvements. This was my inspiration to become a Sleep Consultant and to support families in making shifts to help improve sleep outcomes for the whole family. We all know the importance of sleep on our physical, mental and emotional health and the effects of not getting enough. I personally suffered through years of challenging sleep with my own children before I realized that simple changes could have profound impacts on sleep. I want to provide resources and coaching support so that other parents know they can make improvements in their baby and toddler’s sleep when/if they choose to do so.

There are so many approaches to helping infants and toddlers improve their sleep. As a sleep consultant, I work with families to find the approach to sleep that best fits their parenting style. We create a plan and then determine the level of support they’d like in implementing the plan. I do in-person support in the Austin, TX area as well as virtual support. My goals is to always listen to the needs of parents, to help them feel confident and supported in their unique approach to parenting, and to make improvements in sleep for the whole family.

Supporting children and families is my passion. Each family is unique so after a lot of listening, I create a customized sleep plan to help each family meet their sleep goals. Then I provide on-going support and coaching to make those goals a reality.


I am always open to scheduling a 15-20 minute call to see if working together is a good fit. To schedule a time email me at: Katie.louderback@gmail.com

Sleep Shaping Package

(Best for newborns under 8 weeks of age)

What the package includes:

  • A 2-hour in person meeting in your home (can be done over Zoom if needed) to talk through baby’s current schedule, answer any questions, talk through sleep shaping techniques and how to lay the groundwork for infant sleep.

  • A follow up email with sleep schedules, information on sleep shaping techniques, etc.

  • 2 - 30 minute phone calls anytime during the 3 week period to answer questions and check on progress

  • 3 weeks of email/text support (9am-9pm) to help you on your journey and answer questions

Price: $600

How it works: This is a hands on package that helps you understand what is normal/typical for newborn sleep, what are the most effective wake/sleep rhythm for babies, and to begin the journey of teaching babies to sleep well while also meeting their needs for connection, comfort and feedings. This is not sleep training but it lays the groundwork to teach babies independent sleep. I’ll come to your home and we’ll look at your sleep set up, talk through sleep safety, and learn sleep shaping techniques to use.

Sleep Consulting Package

(extra in-person support)

What the package includes:

A 45min-1 hour phone call/Zoom to discuss your baby’s current sleep situation and their day/nighttime schedule

A customized sleep plan that is catered to your child’s specific needs and temperment

2 nights of in-person support from 8pm-6am to help parents read baby’s cues and provide in-person support

2 weeks of support by text or email (9am-9pm)

2 -30-minute calls to check in on progress over the two weeks

Price: $1,200

How it Works:

Once you decide to work together we will schedule our initial call to go over in detail your child’s current sleep situation (day and night), discuss your goals and parenting style.

I’ll create a customized sleep plan that addresses the current sleep situation and strategies to achieve your sleep goals.

For the first two nights I come to your house at bedtime to help support the beginning phases of sleep training. I’ll be there to answer questions, offer support and help you read baby’s cues. Then for two weeks I will be there to coach you through your sleep plan offering advice and support. You’ll have access to me via text and email as well as two scheduled phone calls over the two week period.

Sleep Consulting Package

(limited in-person support)

What the package includes:

A 45min-1 hour phone call/Zoom to discuss your baby’s current sleep situation and their day/nighttime schedule

A customized sleep plan that is catered to your child’s specific needs and temperment

2 nights of in-person bedtime support for up to 3 hours to help parents read baby’s cues and provide support

2 weeks of support by text or email (9am-9pm)

2 -30-minute calls to check in on progress over the two weeks

Price: $750

How it Works:

Once you decide to work together we will schedule our initial call to go over in detail your child’s current sleep situation (day and night), discuss your goals and parenting style.

I’ll create a customized sleep plan that addresses the current sleep situation and strategies to achieve your sleep goals.

For the first two nights I come to your house at bedtime to help support the beginning phases of sleep training. I’ll be there to answer questions, offer support and help you read baby’s cues. Then for two weeks I will be there to coach you through your sleep plan offering advice and support. You’ll have access to me via text and email as well as two scheduled phone calls over the two week period.

Sleep Consulting Package

(virtual support)

What the package includes:

  • A 45min-1 hour call to go over your child’s current sleep situation and day/nighttime schedule

  • A customized sleep plan that is catered to your child’s specific needs and temperment

  • 2 weeks of support by text or email (9am-9pm)

  • 2 -30-minute calls to check in on progress over the two weeks

Price: $550

How it Works:

  • Once you decide to work together we will schedule our initial call to go over in detail your child’s current sleep situation (day and night), discuss your goals and parenting style.

  • I’ll create a customized sleep plan that addresses the current sleep situation and strategies to achieve your sleep goals.

  • For two weeks I will be there to coach you through your sleep plan offering advice and support. You’ll have access to me via text and email as well as two scheduled phone calls over the two week period.

Ask Me Anything Call

This is a great option for families who just need some simple advice for troubleshooting some sleep issues. Their babies or toddlers are regularly sleeping well but challenges have arisen and they need some advice to get them back on track.

  • 1 hour phone/Zoom call to ask all the questions you’d like

Price: $125

Classes / Speaking Engagements

I am available for speaking engagements for new parent groups, for doulas or anyone interested in how to encourage independent sleep for infants or toddlers. Just contact me directly and we’ll talk through details!

"When I watch my baby sleep, my world is at peace."