Sleep Shaping Package - Best for infants under 8 weeks of age


2-hour Initial meeting (in person if possible), customized plan to support baby’s sleep, handouts on possible daily rhythms/schedules/wake windows, 2 weeks of virtual support (9am-9pm) as you begin sleep shaping techniques. More in-person support can always be added.

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2-hour Initial meeting (in person if possible), customized plan to support baby’s sleep, handouts on possible daily rhythms/schedules/wake windows, 2 weeks of virtual support (9am-9pm) as you begin sleep shaping techniques. More in-person support can always be added.

2-hour Initial meeting (in person if possible), customized plan to support baby’s sleep, handouts on possible daily rhythms/schedules/wake windows, 2 weeks of virtual support (9am-9pm) as you begin sleep shaping techniques. More in-person support can always be added.